My uncompromising nature has perhaps been the reason for plenty of failed courtship attempts, but I had no complaints. I was happy with everything, which the almighty had given me and life seemed to be fine. The only moments, which I regretted, were at the parties. This was an occasion when friends arrived with girlfriends, wives and I was alone. I did not admit but that was just the reason for me to avoid some office parties of late. It was precisely at this moment I got a suggestion from a close friend, which sounded strange initially but later proved to be valuable. It is just simple that I could always court the escort girls. I got a bit inquisitive and we discussed further on this suggestion.

The friend explained once you opt for paid love making, the whole process of compromise just goes out of the window. I could stick to my stand and it is the girl who will compromise with me under this arrangement. I could have my way as long as the finances were perfect and I could pay for the service. The friend also explained that these days the Sydney escorts offer a lot more than just erotic fun in bed. There is more to explore and he quickly summed it up by suggesting that I book a GFE Sydney package. I needed a girlfriend to provide me company on the party circuit and this is precisely what the service was all about.
I checked out further on the GFE terms conditions with the agencies. I liked it because here the girl offers a GFE experience but without the nagging. I found out that it was just a beautiful side of having a girlfriend and certainly devoid of responsibilities. Therefore, for the next party date I decided to try out this adventure. I searched on the agency websites for the girls offering GFE until my eyes fell on Diana. She was slender, busty and utterly irresistible. There was plenty to explore ranging from her hazel in the eyes to the stunning figure. I booked her and like a thorough profession she arrived right on time. She certainly looked a lot better than the pictures and I was excited.
She was smart and quickly realized that the excitement could spoil the show and advised me to stay calm. We now set out for the party and on entering the arena with Diana in the arm suddenly put the spotlight on me. There were plenty who in the quest to speak to Diana initiated a conversation with us and suddenly the lonely aspect of the parties was a thing of the past. A GFE is devoid of nagging, but certainly not the hugs, kisses. It was in the midst of everything I received some of the most passionate kisses from the lady and the experience was special. I have booked with Diana a few more times after this date and each experience have been memorable. It is after this date I rarely attend social gathering alone and am always in hot company.